China Glaze - For Audrey (2 coats)
JENsations - Sticks n Stones (1 dabbed on coat) Etsy store
Essie - Grow Stronger as base, 1 coat of Seche Vite on top
For Audrey applied flawlessly in 2 coats with absolutely no application issues! Sticks n Stones is another Indie polish very similar to the famous Connect the Dots by the now infamous Lynderella. It consists of black and white glitter in a variety of shapes: very small circles, small hexes, medium squares, bars, and large hexes. It required some dabbing in order to get good glitter coverage. The base is clear with some subtle shimmer, which you can see a bit in the macro shot. I had some trouble applying this polish. I kept getting way too much base on the nail when I was trying to dab on the glitter. Then when I would try to wipe away the excess base the glitter bits would move around with it. Some of the glitter also ended up with a kind of milky looking layer over it because it was covered in too much shimmer. I think maybe this is just me being OCD though I don't really think people would notice in real life.
I also had issues with the large hexes staying down. Several of them were curled right after application, and over the course of the next few days, more them started lifting up. A few of them peeled off before I even took these pictures the next day. Most of the glitter pieces left a hole/crater looking thing behind when they fell off. I wouldn't really mind that much if the glitter just fell off, but it bugged me that the base color came off too so it was more noticeable. I don't know if this was to do with using Seche VIte or something with my application. On my right middle finger towards the tip a piece of glitter did fall off without leaving a hole in the polish (just a slight indent), but on my left thumb and right index the base color polish came off also. I did my nails on Saturday afternoon and these wear pictures below were taken on Thursday, so 5 days later. I was really happy that there is almost no tip wear and no chipping. The only visible "chips" are actually from the glitter peeling off and taking polish with it. If I could figure out how to get those pesky glitter bits to stay down I could easily leave this on for over a week I think. I'm considering buying JENsation's Shimmer FX polishes. If the formula is the same and doesn't have any chipping or tip wear without the glitter bits falling off, it would be the perfect polish to wear for an extended time!

Hole left from glitter peeling off. The silver piece was actually a large black hex I tried to peel off when it was bugging me at work and it somehow split into layers and became silver. The silver layer was stuck down well though.